S1E2: Delicious Dave
In today’s world, the “celebrity chef” is a sub-set of our media-driven world. Many young chefs aspire to become famous through tv or social media. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that but I think we all have a sense that aspirations for fame and the essence of a craft don’t necessarily mix well.
Meet Delicious Dave: a chef who has cooked for the celebrities but doesn’t aspire to be one. A guy whose skill in the kitchen rivals anything you’ll see on the Food Channel, but he’s more interested in crafting your experience than crafting his biography.
Dave Thorne is the executive chef at the Sheldon Chalet, one of the most mind-blowing luxury eco-resorts in North America, perched 1,000 feet up on Denali, the continent’s highest peak.
Food & Wine Magazine did an incredible write up about this place that I highly recommend reading. Then sit back and pour a fine whisky (or a pear brandy if you can find it) and give this episode a listen. I think you’ll enjoy it. Cheers!
The smile… and the ass grab….